API design/userphoto table/replication/News Feed Creation questions

I have some questions here. Can anyone help me? Thank you!

1 Where is the api design part? I assume every problem has details about api design part

2 Where is the userphoto table in Database Schema Data Size Estimation part? This table was mentioned in 6. Database Schema part but never explained in Database Schema Data Size Estimation part

3 When the solution mentions replication or multiple server/database or database sharding, do they mean replication or multiple instances in one machine or one instance in one machine?

Let’s say we have multiply servers to improve performance and availability. Do we mean one machine for one server or database and we have many machines? Or one machine for many servers or databases and we also have many machines?

4 What if we use ‘key’ generation scheme similar to what we have discussed in [Designing a URL Shortening service like TinyURL] to generate photoID, then what’s the News Feed Creation with Sharded Data solution?

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Hi Franklin,

Thank you for reaching out to us and giving your feedback. We’ll get back to you soon!

If you have any further concerns/questions/comments, please let us know.

Best regards,
Educative Team

Hi Franklin,

Did you recieve a reply for your above question? I am interested in the response too.



Same here, waiting for the response