Building the index that can tell us which word comes in which tweet object

2. Index: What should our index look like? Since our tweet queries will consist of words, let’s build the index that can tell us which word comes in which tweet object. Let’s first estimate how big our index will be. If we want to build an index for all the English words and some famous nouns like people names, city names, etc., and if we assume that we have around 300K English words and 200K nouns, then we will have 500k total words in our index.

What’s the benefit of building our own search technology compared to using something off the shelf, such as elastic search?

Hi @Dewey_Munoz

As mentioned in the lesson, the above point is an overview of the system design component and needs to provide a detailed outline, hence the root level implementation. Furthermore, the given generic indexing solution gives a closer and more relevant use case for the Twitter search problem at hand. It is a tailored version of Elastic search, specifically for our use case if you observe closely.

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