Can you just add the two lists together and use the list.sort() method in solution two to sort the lists

why use much code when there is a list.sort() method, i dont understand

Hi @R_P1 !
We can combine the two lists and use the list.sort() method to achieve the same result. Here’s an example of how you can modify the code to utilize list.sort():

def merge_arrays(lst1, lst2):
    result = lst1 + lst2  # Combine the two lists
    result.sort()  # Sort the combined list in-place
    return result

print(merge_arrays([4, 5, 6], [-2, -1, 0, 7]))

By combining the lists using the + operator, you create a new list called result. Then, you apply list.sort() to result, which sorts the elements in ascending order. The sorted merged list is returned as the final result.

Using list.sort() is a simpler and more concise approach. It leverages the built-in sorting functionality provided by Python and has a time complexity of O(n log n), where n is the total number of elements in the list.

The significance of manual merging and sorting, as shown in the method 2, arises in scenarios where you want to:

  1. Preserve Original Order: Manual merging allows you to control the order in which the elements are merged. This can be important when the original order of the elements is significant.

  2. Customize Merge Logic: Manual merging enables you to define custom rules or conditions for merging the lists. It provides flexibility in implementing specific merging strategies based on your requirements.

  3. Optimize Performance for Pre-sorted Lists: If you know that the input lists are already sorted, manual merging can be more efficient. It avoids the unnecessary sorting step, resulting in improved performance compared to using list.sort().

However, if the original order doesn’t matter, and you simply want to merge and sort the lists efficiently, using list.sort() is a more concise and straightforward option.
I hope it helps. happy Learnin :blush:

Thanks very much!

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