Clarification needed on file download time calculation

When N clients want to download a file of size S than why does server need to upload it for each client. File is already at the server so download time should only depend on client’s download speed.

Could you please explain it with little more details.

Thank you.

Hi @Deepak_Kumar1, Thanks for reaching out to us.
When you download a file from a server, there are two parties involved and they must cooperate. In the “real world” you could come and take something from me without my cooperation, but if you wanted me to give you an object across the room then I must pick it up, throw it to you, and you must reach out and grab it.

I throw, you catch; server uploads, client downloads.

Hope it will help :slight_smile:


thanks for clarification @Muntha_Amjad

Deepak Kumar

Course: Educative: Interactive Courses for Software Developers
Lesson: Educative: Interactive Courses for Software Developers

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