Code doesn't match with solution explanation

This is the code given in the solution -

public static String[] findBin(int number) {

        String[] result = new String[number];

        Queue<String> queue = new Queue<String>(number + 1);


        for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {

            result[i] = queue.dequeue();

            String s1 = result[i] + "0";

            String s2 = result[i] + "1";




        return result; //For number = 3 , result = {"1","10","11"};


This is an excerpt from the solution explanation -

The queue takes integer values, so before enqueueing, the solution makes sure to convert the string to an integer.

  1. How exactly does the queue “take integer values”, if it is declared to be of type String? Queue<String> queue = new Queue<String>(number + 1);

  2. The solution makes sure to convert the string to an integer - where exactly is the conversion happening? You’re starting off by enqueing a string “1”, then creating new strings by appending “0” and “1” and enqueing both strings directly.

Yet another example of poorly written solution explanation.

Course: Data Structures for Coding Interviews in Java - Learn Interactively

Hi @Manish_Giri thankyou for pointing this issue. It has been fixed and changes are live now.
Happy Learning :slightly_smiling_face: