Data Size Estimation

Hi all,

As I looked from the “Data Size Estimation” I think there is a calculation mistake during the UserID (4 bytes) + Name (20 bytes) + Email (32 bytes) + DateOfBirth (4 bytes) + CreationDate (4 bytes) + LastLogin (4 bytes) = 68 bytes. Because calculated summary is 500 million * 68bytes ~= 32GB but it should be ~32MB isn’t it? Thanks in advance.

Hi Kazim_Ulusoy

Thanks for pointing this out. We’ll get back to you with the answer shortly.


Educative Team

Hi Kazim Ulusoy,

Thanks for posting your question.

It should be 32GB as:

500 * 10^6 *68 ~= 32 GB

To make things look simple, always consider Million as MB and similarly Trillion as GB.

Hope this helps.

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Yes you are right. Sorry for my misunderstanding. I somehow realized that is 500k of people. Thanks for detailed information.

You mean Billion as GB and Trillion as TB

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That’s right. Billion as GB and Trillion as TB.

The Solution suggests to store the data in NoSQL, but the data size estimation is happening based on MySQL Schema? Why is the confusion?
MySQL Schema (Users, Photos, UserFollow)
NoSQL Schema (Photos, UserPhotos, UserFollows)

Can you please explain the reason?