Distributed File storage vs Object storage

In what use cases should we prefer Distributed File storage instead of Object storage ?


I know the design mentioned that file storage could be used here, but I think object storage should be the one to used
I am backing my answer with this link

Object storage is normally used for high stream throughput
I think youtube used to use file storage but then switch to cloud storage


Yea I’m pretty sure Netflix uses object store instead of hdfs

“MezzFS — Mounting object storage in Netflix’s media processing platform” by Netflix Technology Blog

I think Youtube uses the Google’s in-house built GFS (Google File System) based Bigtable. The bigtable is the one performing optimizations like efficient storage and retrieval. It stores many small chunks into a single file or something along those lines.

Using in-house storage is cheaper than paying someone for storing your data. This is only true in some unique cases like Google’s who are experts in designing such stuff.

hey do you know if Youtube uses their CDN for thumbnails as well?