Given a binary tree, find its max depth

given this problem,

Given a binary tree, find its max depth.
using a recursive approach, the base case is to return 0 when the node is null, but I dont understand how the actual summation is done to arrive at the result, Could you explain how the result is arrived at ?

Hi Manasseh!

The height of any node in a binary tree is 1 greater than the larger of the heights of its left and right child nodes. Leaf nodes have a height of 0.

For example, for a node whose left and right children are at heights 1 and 3 respectively, the height will be 1 + max(1,3) = 4.

let us see the code first ( I have segmented it for a clearer view )
I recommend writing the code down and sketching out the tree for the ease of understanding

Tree : 1 2 3 x 5 x x 4 x x 6 x x

segment 1: def dfs(root):

    segment 2: if not root:
                           return 0

               return max( dfs(root.left) , dfs(root.right) ) + 1
                      |           |                 |           |
                      |       segment 3         segment 4       |
                                         segment 5

Now our initial root.val is 1
so code segment 1 (S1) executes
segment 2 (S2) is skipped
segment 3(S3) executes

now root.val = 2
so code S1 executes
S2 is skipped
S3 executes

now root.val = 3
so code S1 executes
S2 is skipped
S3 executes
and goes to S1 again, root.val = None (as 3 has no elements to it’s left)
then to S2 and returns 0

so now for root.val = 3 , S3 = 0

code moves to S4

now root.val = 5
so code S1 executes
S2 is skipped
S3 executes
and goes to S1 again, root.val = None (as 5 has no elements to it’s left)
then S2 executes and returns 0

so now for root.val = 5 , S3 = 0
the same happens to S4 (as 5 has no elements to it’s right)
so now for root.val = 5 , S4 = 0

the code now moves to S5
max (root.val = 5’s S3 , root.val = 5’s S4) + 1
Which is max( 0 , 0 ) + 1
this returns 1 to root.val = 3’s S4

if you look back, root.val = 3’s S3 returned 0 and now we have S4
then code now moves to S5
max (root.val = 3’s S3 , root.val = 3’s S4) + 1
Which is max( 0 , 1 ) + 1
this returns 2 to root.val = 2’s S3

now since root.val = 2’s S3 is executed
the code moves to S4 and returns 1 ( the same cycle that happened for values 3 and 5)
and for S5
max (root.val = 2’s S3 , root.val = 2’s S4) + 1
Which is max( 2 , 1 ) + 1
this returns 3 to root.val = 1’s S3

And for root.val = 1’s S4 it returns 1 ( the same cycle that happened for values 3 and 5)
so now we have max( 3 , 1 ) + 1
Which returns the height of the tree as 4

Hey Manasseh,
There are multiple ways to solve this problem and one of them is already explained to you with previous replies.
There is another simple solution to this problem which will solve the problem in O(N).
The simple way to solve this problem is to go with Level Order Traversal. While following the level order traversal we need to add NULL to Queue at the end of each level.

 //Function to find the height(depth) of the tree//
 int height(struct Node* root){
//Initialising a variable to count the
//height of tree
int depth = 0;

Queue<Node> queue;

//Pushing first level element along with NULL
	Node* temp = queue.front();

	//When NULL encountered, increment the value
	if(temp == NULL){

	//If NULL not encountered, keep moving
	if(temp != NULL){

	//If queue still have elements left,
	//push NULL again to the queue.
	else if(!queue.empty()){
return depth;
