How is 'None' useful?

I have a question regarding this sentence: " We can assign None to any variable, but we can not create other NoneType variables."
What do you mean by “we can not create other ‘NoneType’ variables”?
How is ‘None’ useful?

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Hello @James7,

Type NoneType is for the None object, which means the object indicates no value. If a function does not return anything, its return type will be None. A search function that cannot find a match their common default return value will be None.
We can assign None to a variable but cannot create a variable of NoneType

This is what I am not getting.
" We can assign None to a variable but cannot create a variable of NoneType"

Do you mean for example if we want to create a variable with an integer from a string, we would do x= int(“7”), but with ‘None’ there’s no way we can convert a data type to ‘None’?

@James7, Yes! you get the point. We can only assign None to variables.

None is used to define a null value. It is not the same as an empty string, False, or a zero. It is a data type of the class NoneType object.

Assigning a value of None to a variable is one way to reset it to its original, empty state.

Happy learning.