How ride booking end-to-end happens?

My question :
How Rider booking request reaches to Driver, and how Driver acceptance for the ride is notified back to the rider in order to confirm the booking?


Hi @Deepak_Pengoria !!
When a rider makes a booking request in the Uber system, the request is sent to the Uber server. The server then processes the request and determines the availability of nearby drivers.

The server uses algorithms and real-time data to identify suitable drivers based on factors such as proximity, availability, and driver ratings. Once a driver is selected, the server sends the ride request details to the driver’s mobile device through the Uber driver app.

The driver’s app receives the ride request and presents it to the driver as a notification or a pop-up message. The driver has the option to accept or decline the ride request within a specified time limit.

If the driver accepts the ride, the driver’s app sends the acceptance confirmation back to the Uber server. The server then relays the acceptance notification to the rider through the Uber rider app. The rider is notified about the driver’s acceptance and receives information about the assigned driver, such as the driver’s name, profile picture, and estimated time of arrival (ETA).

The rider can track the driver’s location in real-time and communicate with the driver through the app if needed. The driver’s acceptance serves as confirmation for the rider that the booking is confirmed, and the driver is on the way to pick them up.
I hope it helps. Happy Learning :blush:

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Do you mean, there is a notification server and both rider and driver register them selves to that notification server. For trip/ride booking, uber server send the notification to driver as well as rider depending up on the communication sequence? Is this understanding correct?

Yes, your understanding is partially correct. Uber uses a centralized server system to handle the communication between the rider and the driver. Both the rider and the driver have their respective mobile applications that are connected to the Uber server.

When a rider requests a ride, the request is sent to the Uber server, which processes the request and identifies a suitable driver. The server then sends a notification to the driver’s mobile device using the Uber driver app, informing them about the ride request.

Similarly, the server sends a notification to the rider’s mobile device using the Uber rider app, informing them about the driver’s acceptance and providing details such as the driver’s name, profile picture, and estimated time of arrival.

So, in a sense, both the rider and the driver are registered with the Uber server, and the server facilitates the communication by sending notifications to their respective apps. The communication sequence involves the server relaying information between the rider and the driver to confirm the booking and provide updates throughout the ride.
I hope it helps. Happy Learning :blush: