How sliding window approach is different from two pointers approach

How sliding window approach is different from two pointers approach.

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Hello @Avinash_Kumar_Singh,

The two-pointer method helps keep in mind when working with strings and arrays. It’s a clever optimization that can help reduce time complexity with no added space complexity by utilizing extra pointers to avoid repetitive operations—mainly used on sorted array/list.
Suppose we want to find a pair of 2 elements equal to the number n in a sorted array. We will use two pointer method.
On the other hand, we want to find the two contiguous elements equal to the number n in an array. We will use the sliding window approach.

thanks man

Did some more research and found

  1. Two pointers is really an easy and effective technique that is typically used for searching pairs in a sorted array.

  2. This technique shows how a nested for loop in some problems can be converted to a single for loop to reduce the time complexity.

  3. Common patterns in 2 pointers
    3.1 Two pointers starting from start and end until they meet.
    3.2 Two pointers moving at a different speed.

  4. A sliding window is a sublist or subarray that runs over an underlying data structure. The data structure is iterable and ordered, such as an array or a string. At a high level, you can think of it as a subset of the two pointers method. It normally encompasses searching for the longest, shortest, or optimal sequence that satisfies a given condition.

  5. When to use sliding pattern
    To identify problems where a sliding window can be helpful, look for a few properties:

  • Whenever you need to calculate running average
  • If you want to formulate a set of adjacent pairs
  • The problem involves an ordered data structure
  • If you need to identify a target value in an array
  • If you need to identify a longest, shortest, or most optimal sequence that satisfies a given condition in a collection
  1. A sliding window uses two pointers; the difference is that the window includes all elements in between those two pointers to some effect.
    For example, sliding window problems might involve contiguous values:
  • Min/max Sub array with target sum
  • Substring problems
  • Two pointer problems doesn’t necessarily care about the elements between those pointers:
  • Removing duplicates
  • Pair with target sum