How to get the starting and ending index of this sub array?

How can we get the indices of start and end of the subarray with largest sum ?

have a look at this:

def find_max_sum_sublist(lst): 
  # Write your code here!
  global_max = float('-inf')
  sums = {}
  idxs = {}
  start = 0
  for idx, n in enumerate(lst):
    sums[idx] = max(n, n+sums.get(idx-1, 0))
    if n > n+sums.get(idx-1, 0):
      start = idx
    if sums[idx] > global_max:
      global_max =  sums[idx]
      idxs[global_max] = start, idx+1

  return global_max

idxs of the max value is what you are looking for