How we can design ads feed pipeline based on user's query

I am new to design pipelines. I just learnt how to design a Streaming Data Processing Pipeline. I wonder to design a pipeline based on user’s query, what need to consider?

Hi @Shidi_Zhao !!
To design a streaming data processing pipeline based on user queries, consider the following:

  1. Query Language and Interface
  2. Query Parsing and Validation
  3. Data Source Integration
  4. Data Processing Operations
  5. Query Optimization
  6. Real-time Processing
  7. Fault Tolerance and Data Consistency
  8. Scalability and Resource Management
  9. Monitoring and Alerting
  10. Security and Access Control
  11. Documentation and User Support
  12. Iterative Development and Feedback.
    Remember that designing a streaming data processing pipeline based on user queries can be a complex task, and the specific considerations will depend on the requirements of your application, the complexity of the data processing, and the resources available.
    I hope it helps. Happy Learning :blush: