I used the same idea as find_permutation problem

Think that a word in the list is a character, so the code is similar to find_permutation problem…

function find_word_concatenation(str, words) {
    const result_indices = []
    let start = 0,
        matched = 0,
        wordLength = words[0].length,
        wordsFrecuency = {};

    for (const word of words) {
        if (!(word in wordsFrecuency))
            wordsFrecuency[word] = 0


    for (let end = wordLength-1; end < str.length; end = end + wordLength) {
        const rightWord = str.substring(end - wordLength + 1, end + 1)

        if (rightWord in wordsFrecuency) {

            if (wordsFrecuency[rightWord] === 0) {

        if (matched === Object.keys(wordsFrecuency).length) {

        if (end >= (wordLength * 2) - 1) {
            leftWord = str.substring(start, start + wordLength)
            start += wordLength

            if (leftWord in wordsFrecuency) {
              if (wordsFrecuency[leftWord] === 0) {
                matched -= 1

              wordsFrecuency[leftWord] += 1

    return result_indices

I did the same, though in Python. It is easier that way.

What will be the Time Complexity of this Algorithm? I think it will be smaller than the given in the Solution?
please explain.

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