Integer.MAX_VALUE edge case?

I’m thinking about a an extreme edge case scenario where somehow there is a subarray that has the given sum and that sub array has a length of Integer.MAX_VALUE. Is that technically possible? In that case, we wouldn’t want to return 0 we would want to return that value, the Integer.MAX_VALUE. My solution has a boolean flag that accounts for that. But maybe I’m imagining an impossible scenario.

public static int smallestSubArray(int s, int[] numbers) {
        int windowStart = 0;
        int windowEnd = 0;
        int smallestLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        boolean matchFound = false;
        int currentSum = numbers[0];

        while (windowStart <= numbers.length - 1) {
            int subArraySize = (windowEnd - windowStart) + 1;
            if (currentSum >= s) {
                matchFound = true;
                smallestLength = Math.min(smallestLength, subArraySize);
                if (smallestLength == 1) { break; }
                currentSum -= numbers[windowStart];
            } else {
                currentSum += numbers[windowEnd];

        return !matchFound ? 0 : smallestLength;