Need for extra for loop provided in the solution

I am confused why we need two for loops for the solution. What can possibly go wrong if we use one loop for it?

My Solution

def find_min_spanning_tree(self):
    # Initializing minimum weight for result
    weight = 0
    # Taking first vertex as starting point (All vertices need to be covered. So no specific order)
    vertex = self.g[0]
    # Marking the vertex as visited
    vertex.visited = True
    # Keeping a count of vertices left to visit
    left_to_visit = len(self.g) - 1

    # Looping till we have some vertices left to visit (> 0)
    while left_to_visit:
      # Used for storing the smallest outgoing edge from current vertex 
      # (To compare with other outgoing vertices from current vertex)
      smallest = None
      # Looping over all the edges to find out the first non visited edge (Both edge and its destination)
      for edge in self.e:
        # If non visited edge (Both edge and its destination)
        if edge.visited == False and edge.dest.visited == False:
          # Updating smallest, if we haven't initialized it. Will be used for comparison
          if not smallest:
            smallest = edge
          # Updating the weight by joining the visited edge (source is visited)
          # and joining it to the destination vertex will result in minimum weight
          # seen till now
          if edge.src.visited == True and smallest and smallest.weight > edge.weight:
            smallest = edge

      # Adding current weight to total weight to resturn
      weight += smallest.weight
      # Marking the edge to be visited (so as not to revisit later)
      smallest.visited = True
      # Marking its destination as visited (The edge is considered in min weight
      # which implies it source and destination vertex have been considered)
      smallest.dest.visited = True
      # Updating the number of vertices which are left to visit now
      left_to_visit -= 1

    # Returning the minimum weight possible for the graph
    return weight

You can check my question and answer if that make sense?