Project Description java

Project Description
Library management system is a project, which aims in developing a
computerized system to maintain all the daily work of a library. The system
helps both students and library manager to keep a constant track of all the
books available in the library. It allows both the admin and the student to
search for the desired book.
The main feature of this system is that all the books available in the library
can be displayed in an Array so that students need not roam through the
entire library to find a book. Additionally, the application effectively maintains
the details of users/students to whom books have been issued; it also records
the issued date and return date.
1- Add, buy, delete, and show book details.
2- Search feature for finding book availability in library stock.
3- Add student’s records.
4- Generate full report and save the result to file with name “report.dat”.
Classes of Library Management System

  1. Library Class [that contains main method].
  2. Book Class
  3. Person Class
  4. Student Class
  5. Author Class
  6. Process Class
    Subjects should be covered in the project
    1- OOP [object-oriented programming].
    2- Inheritance.
    3- Abstract class.
    4- Method overriding such.
    5- Constructors: default and other needed constructors in each class.
    6- Arrays of objects.
    7- Aggregation.
    8- Mutators & accessors for needed fields in each class.
    9- Arrays or Array list to store student’s objects & book objects in main method.
    10- Loops.
    11- Files [using I/O Exception] & any needed Exception.
    Classes Details
    Book class should contain at least:
    Fields: [book ID, name, category, author, publisher, edition year, price, quantity
    and students]. Author should declare as object from author class, students should
    declare as array of object from Student class.
    Constructors: no-args constructor, constructor that takes all fields and store
    it in theclass.
    Mutators & accessors methods.
    toString (): to print Book details.
    Other methods.
    Person class should contain at least:
    Fields: [Person identity number, name, gender, phone and address].
    Constructors: no-args constructor, constructor that takes all fields and store
    it in the class.
    Mutators & Accessors.
    Person class is an abstract class.
    Print person details.
    Student class that inherits Person class should contains at least:
    Fields: [Student ID, specialization, student-enrolled date and budget].
    Constructors: no-args constructor, constructor that takes all fields and store it
    in the class.
    Mutators & Accessors
    Print student details.
    Author class that inherits Person class should contains atleast:
    Fields: [noOfBooks, email and workplace].
    Constructors: no-args constructor, constructor that takes all fields and store it in
    the class.
    Mutators & Accessors.
    print Author details.
    Process class
    Library class [that contains main method].
    Important Notes:
    You should allow user to:
  7. Show Books
  8. Add a Book
  9. Delete a Book
  10. Search for a book
  11. Buy a Book
  12. Show Students
  13. Add a Student
  14. Full Report
  15. Exit
    Student class and author class should be inherited from person class.
    After exiting the program, the objects data is saved to a file; when the program is run
    again, the data stored in the file, if any is retrieved

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