Regarding Next Greater Element using Stack problem time complexity

I see the time complexity of the solution is mentioned as O(n). May be my understanding is wrong. But when i see a while loop inside the For Loop, i assume it is O(n2).
since there is possibility of looping multiple time when in the while loop. it is safe to assume the worst case.

Hi @Kamala_sekar_Rose,

This is Fatimah from Educative

It is generally the case that when nested loops are used, the time complexity is O(n^2). However, this is not always true. It really depends upon the algorithm. For this algorithm, the inner loop (while-loop) does not execute on each iteration of the outer loop. Each item is pushed and popped at-most one time from the stack. Therefore the worst-case complexity of the while-loop independently, in the whole program, is O(n). An easy way to confirm this is just by putting a print statement inside it and checking the output.
For the algorithms having the complexity is O(n^2), the inner loop iterated O(n) in one iteration of the outer loop. Whereas, here, it iterated O(n) in the whole program. I hope this explanation helps.

Best regards,
Fatimah Abdullah | Developer Advocate