Strict consistency aka linearizability

In the example slides of "Strict consistency aka linearizability. How does Node C return "x=2"if linearizability ensures read always get the latest write result? Shouldn’t Node C wait for the latest update from Node A and then return x=10?

Course: Grokking Modern System Design Interview for Engineers & Managers - Learn Interactively
Lesson: Spectrum of Consistency Models - Grokking Modern System Design Interview for Engineers & Managers

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I agree, noticed this too. It kind of makes the whole page on consistency not make sence.

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same question lol?

I have same question here…Is the example supposed to be describing NOT strict consistency?

Hello all, the slide show shows non-linearizability in distributed systems. That is not made to show linearizability. Linearizability is challenging to achieve in a distributed system. Usually, synchronous replication is one of the ingredients for achieving strong consistency, though it is not sufficient, and we need consensus algorithms for ordering operations and ensuring strong consistency.
We have updated the text in the lesson. Hope that will help.