Testing and exploring

the teacher mentions…
“The nice thing about web development is that trying out some code on a whim is extremely easy to do. Open up the console, and there’s your REPL (interface to evaluate expressions).”

but doesnt really explain how to do it.
and i have no idea how to reproduce this, exactly because i’ve been using educative environment,
so there’s no way to learn how to test and learn things outside of it, like in real life.

the console in my browser shows a completely different thing.

is there a way to learn how to implement things in my machine using educative courses?
i’m starting to think paying for a year of this was a bad decision.

look forward to hearing from you!!!

Course: Educative: Interactive Courses for Software Developers
Lesson: Educative: Interactive Courses for Software Developers

Hi @tfelipelli
Thanks for reaching out to us. In your lesson, before the heading of Testing and Exploring the link is given for the selection API (Selection - Web APIs | MDN).
1. First of all open the link then you will see the following display.

2. Select the text you pressed in the second paragraph under the heading of Selection.

3. After you select the text, do right click and select the inspect option.

4. On the console tab, you will see the following display.

5. Click on the selection to open and you will see the desired display which is mentioned in your lesson.

That’s it.
Remember nothing is a bad decision, we all learn from confusions and mistakes.
Hope it will help.
Happy Learning :blush:

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thank you so much for the reply!

i think there must be something simple i’m missing…
i thought maybe the problem was brave (even though i set the shields down).

i dont have chrome installed. i tried this in chromium.
mine doesnt show anything on the console tab.

Course: Educative: Interactive Courses for Software Developers
Lesson: Educative: Interactive Courses for Software Developers

Hello @tfelipelli
1. Write the following query on the console and press enter
setInterval(() => {
}, 1000);

2. Then select default

3. Click on the selection to open the desired view, you will see the following display:

Thank you :blush:

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