This will cause the list to be "exploded" or applied to the production function in sequence. It means that you are passing in 3 arguments instead of one

This will cause the list to be “exploded” or applied to the production function in sequence. It means that you are passing in 3 arguments instead of one.

Please explain * and how it is used. It is not clear

from itertools import product
arrays = [(-1,1),(-3,3),(-5,5)]
cp = list(product(*arrays))


Yes, it means passing three arguments instead of one.

The *arrays is equivalent to passing arrays[0], arrays[1], and arrays[2] as three separate arguments to the product function. This makes product(*arrays) and product(arrays[0], arrays[1], arrays[2]) equivalent. This is just syntactic sugar that helps us pass all the elements of a list as a separate argument without knowing the length of the list. In general, this process is called “unpacking” an iterable into the arguments.

I hope it clarifies!

Best Regards,
Aafaq Sabir | Developer Advocate

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