Using DNS to send users to random loadbalancers

This tutorial said : Just like with servers, we can use multiple load balancers. Users can be randomly forwarded to different load balancers from the Domain Name System (DNS).

I don’t understand if load balancers have the ability to act as traffic distributors themselves.

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Hi @Stanley_Makori ,
The technique of dividing network traffic among several servers is known as load balancing. By doing this, it is ensured that no server is overloaded. Load balancers are used to improve the responsiveness of the application by distributing the work evenly. Additionally, it makes more websites and applications accessible to users.
I hope you understand this now.
Thank you :blush:

Thanks .

The aspect I didnt visualize is DNS systems can acgieve load balancing.,

Course: Grokking Modern System Design for Software Engineers & Managers - Learn Interactively
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