What does "maximize throughput" means in Concurrency?

I’d like to understand what this part:

A concurrent system can have two programs in progress at the same time where progress doesn’t imply execution. One program can be suspended while the other executes. Both programs are able to make progress as their execution is interleaved. In concurrent systems, the goal is to maximize throughput and minimize latency. For example, a browser running on a single core machine has to be responsive to user clicks but also be able to render HTML on screen as quickly as possible. Concurrent systems achieve lower latency and higher throughput when programs running on the system require frequent network or disk I/O.

Mean in concurrency system? Specifically the part about maximizing throughput. Can anyone details some good examples in real life.

Hi @Jose2
In concurrency, throughput means the number of actions per time. So the line “In concurrent systems, the goal is to maximize throughput and minimize latency .” the “maximize throughput” means we want to maximize the number of actions per time.

Thank you so much!

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