What would the runtime be if you determined the number of rotations, then called binary search?

It would be logn+k, where k is the number of rotations right? But if there is 0 rotations, k would be equal to n, so worse case would be n?

static int binarySearchRotated(int[] arr,int key) {
    int numberRotations=0;
    boolean numRotationsFound=false;
    while(!numRotationsFound && numberRotations<arr.length-1) {
      if(arr[numberRotations] > arr[numberRotations+1]) {
    if(key>=arr[0] && key<=arr[numberRotations-1]) {
      return binSearch(arr,key,0,numberRotations-1);
    } else {
      return binSearch(arr,key,numberRotations-1,arr.length-1);

It would be in terms of O(n), because if the array is rotated n-1 times where n is the length then you traverse till the n-1th element to find the number of rotations. That is almost like a linear search.