Why are the outputs different in the typescript playground?

Length is not enforced for tuples in the playground even though the course says they are:

Also this code snippet doesnt throw an error like the course says so.

interface Greeter {
    greeting: string;
class Human implements Greeter {
    public humanFunction() {
        console.log("Executing a human function");
    public greeting: string = "Hello";
class Lion implements Greeter {
    public greeting: string = "Grrrrrr";
    public lionAttack() {
        console.log("Attacking like a lion");
class Tulip {
    public greeting: string = "...";
    public lookingGood() {
        console.log("Snazzy Flower am I");
class LivingSpecies {
    public species: Greeter;

    constructor(species: Greeter) {
        this.species = species;
    public getSpecies() {
        return this.species;
const species1 = new LivingSpecies(new Human());
const species2 = new LivingSpecies(new Lion());
const species3 = new LivingSpecies(new Tulip());

Is it due to a difference in options or versions of Typescript?

Hi @David_Zhang
Please share the link of the lesson whose code you are talking about?