Why isn't there any breaking condition to add root to list?

I don’t get why we are adding the root of every sub-tree in the result.

  public static List<TreeNode> findUniqueTrees(int n) {
    if (n <= 0)
      return new ArrayList<TreeNode>();
    return findUniqueTreesRecursive(1, n);

  public static List<TreeNode> findUniqueTreesRecursive(int start, int end) {
    List<TreeNode> result = new ArrayList<>();
    if (start > end) {
      return result;

    for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
      // making 'i' root of the tree
      List<TreeNode> leftSubtrees = findUniqueTreesRecursive(start, i - 1);
      List<TreeNode> rightSubtrees = findUniqueTreesRecursive(i + 1, end);
      for (TreeNode leftTree : leftSubtrees) {
        for (TreeNode rightTree : rightSubtrees) {
          TreeNode root = new TreeNode(i);
          root.left = leftTree;
          root.right = rightTree;
          result.add(root);   **// Why is this line required for all the sub cases?**
    return result;