Bug in the template

There is apparently some kind of issue with the executor. I get error even i try to run the default empty template:


./custom_class.go:9:6: CustomClass redeclared in this block
./TwoDArray.go:9:6: other declaration of CustomClass
./custom_class.go:14:24: CustomClass.generateError redeclared in this block
./TwoDArray.go:14:24: other declaration of generateError
./custom_class.go:19:24: CustomClass.String redeclared in this block
./TwoDArray.go:19:24: other declaration of String
./custom_class.go:25:24: CustomClass.Construct redeclared in this block
./TwoDArray.go:25:24: other declaration of Construct
./custom_class.go:37:24: CustomClass.Traverse redeclared in this block
./TwoDArray.go:37:24: other declaration of Traverse
./Factory.go:107:11: undefined: TwoDArray
./goRunner.go:87:33: undefined: TwoDArray

The AI helper says:
The error message indicates that there are redeclarations of the CustomClass and its methods in the code. Additionally, it mentions that the TwoDArray package is undefined.

To fix these errors, you need to remove the redeclarations of CustomClass and its methods in the code. Also, make sure that the TwoDArray package is imported and defined correctly.

Once these errors are fixed, you should be able to run the code successfully on the provided test cases.

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Hello @Arkady,

Thank you for reporting this error in the lesson. We’ve fixed this issue and will update you once the fix is live again.

Feel free to share any more suggestions and feedbacks. We’d be happy to help.

Happy learning!