Can you explain this line of the solution better?

indent preformatted text by 4 spaces        

while capitals_min_heap and capitals_min_heap[0][0] <= current_capital:
c, i = heappop(capitals_min_heap)

It looks like capitals_min_heap[0][0] looks up the index of the first element, not the value of it. So why are we comparing it to current_capital?

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Hi @Jon_Barker,

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your observations regarding the code snippet.

I would like to clarify that the expression capitals_min_heap[0][0] actually retrieves the value of the first element (capital) from the min-heap, not its index. You can verify this by printing this line of code and see if the index is returned or the value.

The line capitals_min_heap[0][0] <= current_capital checks if the smallest capital in the min-heap is less than or equal to the current capital. It’s crucial for dynamically selecting capitals within a specific range, contributing to the efficient calculation of the maximum capital in the maximum_capital function.

I hope this helps clear your confusion regarding the code. Please feel free to share any more feedbacks or suggestions, we’d be happy to help. Thanks!

Happy learning!

Yes, thank you. I had also tested it out myself and discovered that as well.Thank you for your excellent reply!

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