Check box filtering

how can i add multiple images on checking one checkbox using loop

Course: Introduction to JavaScript: First Steps - Free Interactive Course
Lesson: Introduction - Just Get Started - Introduction to JavaScript: First Steps

Hi @Asma_Ismail,

Thank you so much for reaching out to us. Since your question has different perspectives for me.

I tried my best of provide you the solution you are looking for, which is


                <input type="checkbox" name="image" onchange="updateImages()"/> Car 
                <input type="checkbox" name="image" onchange="updateImages()"/> Bike 
                <input type="checkbox" name="image" onchange="updateImages()"/> Bus 
        <span id="imagePlacer">

            function updateImages() {
                var images = [["car1.jpeg", "car2.jpg"], ["bike1.jpeg", "bike2.jpg"], ["bus1.jpeg", "bus2.jpg"]];
                var checkboxs = document.getElementsByName("image"); 
                document.getElementById("imagePlacer").innerHTML = "";
                for(var checkboxIndex = 0; checkboxIndex < checkboxs.length; checkboxIndex += 1){
                    if(checkboxs[checkboxIndex].checked == true){
                        for(var imageIndex = 0; imageIndex < images[checkboxIndex].length; imageIndex += 1){
                            document.getElementById("imagePlacer").innerHTML += "<img src=" + images[checkboxIndex][imageIndex] + ">";  

But if I am missing something, please do let me know. Thanks.