Class TokenBucketFilterFactory is not used in code snippet

The last code snippet at ... continued is missing code. TokenBucketFilterFactory is not actually being used.

Course: Python Concurrency for Senior Engineering Interviews - Learn Interactively
Lesson: ... continued

Hi @Melody1 !!
In the code, the TokenBucketFilterFactory is used in the file. It is used to create a token bucket filter, and then multiple threads are created to request tokens from the token bucket filter. The TokenBucketFilterFactory class acts as a factory for creating instances of the MultithreadedTokenBucketFilter class.

Here’s how it works:

  1. The TokenBucketFilterFactory class, defined in the file, contains a static method makeTokenBucketFilter that creates an instance of the MultithreadedTokenBucketFilter class and initializes it. This factory method is used in the file to create an instance of the token bucket filter.

  2. In, the makeTokenBucketFilter method is used to create an instance of the token bucket filter, bucket, with a capacity of 10 tokens.

  3. Then, a list of worker threads is created, where each worker thread calls the getToken method of the bucket instance. The worker threads are started and joined, ensuring that all threads finish their execution before the program terminates.

The TokenBucketFilterFactory is effectively used to encapsulate the creation of instances of the MultithreadedTokenBucketFilter class and provides a simple interface to create and initialize token bucket filters.
I hope it helps. Happy Learning :blush: