Cleaner solution

Cleaner solution with a slight optimization.

I am not sure but with this solution I am seeing an average case of an O(n) time complexity and to be specific O(n + n) as we only need to iterate at each node only if we have gone past the required sum.

Worst case scenario is we have a large target sum of say 100 and in one path we have added all numbers from root to leaf - 1 and it adds to say 95 and we then add the number at the leaf of 120 meaning we would need to iterate once through all the previous nodes to remove them.

def count_paths(root, S):
  return count_paths_recursive(root, S, [], 0)

def count_paths_recursive(node, sum, current_path, start_index):
  if node is None:
    return 0

  path_count = 0
  sum -= node.val
  # We have found a path including our current node so add to the path_count
  if sum == 0:
    path_count += 1
  # Added too many nodes so lets try and subtruct from the beginning
  elif sum < 0:
    while start_index < len(current_path) and sum < 0:
      sum += current_path[start_index]
      start_index += 1

    # Check again to see if we have a path after deducting some numbers
    if sum == 0:
      path_count += 1
  # Continue to children to see if any more paths exist
  path_count += count_paths_recursive(node.left, sum, current_path, start_index)
  path_count += count_paths_recursive(node.right, sum, current_path, start_index)

  # Backtrack after popping each frame off the call stack
  # as current_path is a list(reference type) and we have mutated it meaning 
  # it will affect nodes further up the tree
  del current_path[-1]

  return path_count

Type your question above this line.


Hi @Demos,
In our opinion, this will still have a complexity of O(N^2) because we will have to traverse through the tree and the list in any worst case scenario. The current path, in the worst case, can be O(N) (in the case of a skewed tree). But, if the tree is balanced, then the current path will be equal to the height of the tree, i.e., O(logN). So the best case of our algorithm will be (NlogN).


Hi @Syed_Ayan_Haider_Naq I believe you might have missed the change I made in my solution.

I traverse each node once O(N) and only do constant time operations when I am at each node with the exception for when I have gone past the sum which I just change my start index and add to the sum.

In contrast the solution provided always iterates at each node which is where the difference in the time complexity comes from.

Hi @Demos
Yeah you’re right. I did miss that particular change.