Command not found Error

My terminal screen has error:

DataJek >
bash: SHOW: command not found
DataJek >

Course: An Introductory Guide to SQL
Lesson: Exploring MySQL - An Introductory Guide to SQL

Hi @Orhan_Sezer !!
It seems like you’re trying to execute MySQL commands in a terminal but encountering an error. The error message “bash: SHOW: command not found” indicates that the terminal is treating your MySQL commands as bash commands, which they are not.

To resolve this issue, make sure you are in the MySQL command-line interface (CLI) before executing MySQL commands. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Connect to the MySQL CLI by running the provided script:
  1. Once you’re in the MySQL CLI, you should see a prompt similar to mysql>. Now you can execute MySQL commands.

  2. Start by executing the command to show databases:


Ensure that you’re inside the MySQL CLI environment before running MySQL commands, and you shouldn’t encounter the “command not found” error.
I hope it helps. Happy Learning :blush: