Complexity of Word Latter

The solution’s stated time complexity is O(nm^2). Is it actually O(nm)?

  • The outer while loop runs until the queue is empty.
  • In the worst case, all words in the list are visited, so the loop runs for O(n) iterations.
  • Inside the loop, for each word, we generate all possible variations by changing one character at a time.
  • For each character position, we try all 26 lowercase English characters.
  • So, for each word, we generate O(m * 26) variations.
  • The total time complexity is O(n * m * 26) = O(nm).

The solution’s stated space complexity is O(n). Is it actually O(nm)?

  • The queue and myset store at most n words at any given time.
  • Each word takes O(m) space.

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