Creating the Cluster in AWS using kops failed. How to clean up and retry command?

kops create cluster --name $env:NAME --master-count 3 --node-count 1 --node-size t2.small --master-size t2.small --zones $env:ZONES --master-zones $env:ZONES --ssh-public-key cluster/ --networking kubenet --kubernetes-version v1.14.8 --yes

I1019 22:05:46.462327 29440 create_cluster.go:831] Using SSH public key: cluster/
I1019 22:05:46.907353 29440 new_cluster.go:263] Inferred “aws” cloud provider from zone “us-east-2a”
I1019 22:05:46.913052 29440 new_cluster.go:1279] Cloud Provider ID = aws
I1019 22:05:47.122302 29440 subnets.go:185] Assigned CIDR to subnet us-east-2a
I1019 22:05:47.122943 29440 subnets.go:185] Assigned CIDR to subnet us-east-2b
I1019 22:05:47.124780 29440 subnets.go:185] Assigned CIDR to subnet us-east-2c
Error: error adding SSH public key: error fingerprinting SSH public key: error parsing SSH public key: ssh: no key found

Creating the Cluster in AWS using kops failed. How to clean up the cluster and retry the command? Tried below without success:
kops delete cluster --name $env:NAME --yes
Error: error listing SQS queues: AccessDenied: Access to the resource is denied.
status code: 403, request id: 80407efb-4fe2-5d68-b680-2531fdca99f9