Glitch on Exam 1 - Python for Programmers


There appears to be a technical glitch in Exam 1, coding challenge question 1 (area of a circle question). When I tested my answer there was no output and it would say all tests failed despite the solution being correct and verifiable in a Python terminal. This was my first exam experience, so I assumed the test button just doesn’t work in exams and moved on to the next one, but then realized that it was a question specific glitch. Not to sound arrogant but I a am pretty positive I got all the questions correct, but received a B+ and I’m wondering if the fact that it said test failed indicates that the solution was also registered as wrong.

Finally, despite completing the exam with a B+ (glitch included) I can’t get it to say I finished the exam, and it still shows up as unfinished.

My verified correct solution is below.

class Circle:
    pi = 3.14
    def __init__(self, radius):
        self.radius = radius

    def print_area(self):
        return self.pi * (self.radius ** 2)

Also why does it make me select two tags when none are relevant to my issue?