GoLang need for the third line after init vars

Variable Declarations:-

indexS1, indexS2 := 0, 0
minSubsequence := “”

Need for the line below?
_, _, _ = minSubsequence, indexS1, indexS2

This line is present immediately after the variables are declared.

Course: Grokking Coding Interview Patterns in Go - Learn Interactively
Lesson: Solution: Minimum Window Subsequence - Grokking Coding Interview Patterns in Go

Hello @Abhay

The line _, _, _ = minSubsequence, indexS1, indexS2 is used to suppress the “unused variable” error for the variables minSubsequence, indexS1, and indexS2.

This technique is often used to avoid compiler errors or warnings about unused variables, especially when the variables are temporarily assigned but not yet utilized in the current code section.

You can check that as we proceed in the step-by-step solution construction, these variables start to get used in the code – so we removed this dummy assignment statement.

Hope this clears your confusion.
Happy learning! Feel free to drop in more queries and suggestions.

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