How do layers only interact with adjacent layers?

That’s one of the answers in the Quiz, but i cant understand it since the layers do interact with the layers below by sending data/segments/packets etc.


Hi @Diogo_Pereira

Thank You for reaching out to the Educative team.

In the OSI model, each layer interacts directly with the layers immediately above and below it. This interaction is more direct and significant with the adjacent layers. Here’s a breakdown:

  • The Presentation Layer interacts with the Application Layer (above) and the Session Layer (below).
  • The Session Layer interacts with the Presentation Layer (above) and the Transport Layer (below).

…and so on.
It is clearly explained through the slides in this lesson.

It not only interact with the layers below but can also interact with the above layers.

I hope it helps. Happy Learning :blush:

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