How in Push Based Monitoring system can we be Monitored

How the system which monitor other system will be Monitored. Will that reside in its own cluster?

Hi @Suyambu_Vigneshwaran !!
Please specify the lesson here.

Will the monitoring system and system to be monitored will be on same data center?. If yes How it can escape if DNS crash.

If no how we can interact with private system who doesnt have public ips(pull based)

Hi @Suyambu_Vigneshwaran !!

  1. The system that monitors other systems can be monitored in multiple ways. One common approach is to deploy monitoring agents or software on the monitoring system itself, which collect and analyze data from the systems being monitored. These agents can be configured to send regular updates or reports to a centralized monitoring cluster.

The monitoring system can reside in its own cluster or be part of an existing cluster, depending on the scale and requirements of the monitoring infrastructure. In some cases, organizations may dedicate a separate cluster specifically for monitoring purposes to ensure optimal performance and resource allocation.

  1. Whether the monitoring system and the systems to be monitored are on the same data center depends on the specific deployment architecture. Ideally, it is beneficial to have the monitoring system located in the same data center as the systems being monitored. This allows for lower latency and more direct access to the monitored systems.

However, it is important to consider potential risks and contingencies. In the event of a DNS crash, if the monitoring system and the systems being monitored are located in the same data center, they may become inaccessible if the DNS infrastructure fails. To mitigate this, organizations can implement redundant DNS servers with failover mechanisms or consider deploying the monitoring system in a separate data center. This way, even if one data center experiences a DNS issue, the monitoring system can still access the systems being monitored through alternative routes.

  1. Interacting with private systems that don’t have public IP addresses can be challenging. In a pull-based approach, where the monitoring system actively fetches data from the private systems, the following options can be considered:

a) VPN (Virtual Private Network): Establishing a VPN connection between the monitoring system and the private systems allows secure communication and access to private network resources.

b) Proxy Servers: Utilizing proxy servers within the private network can facilitate communication between the monitoring system and the private systems. The proxy servers act as intermediaries and forward monitoring requests to the private systems.

c) Agents or Remote Probes: Deploying monitoring agents or remote probes within the private network enables data collection and monitoring from the inside. These agents can periodically send collected metrics or status updates to the monitoring system.

d) Tunneling: Setting up secure tunnels, such as SSH tunnels or VPN tunnels, can provide an encrypted and secure connection between the monitoring system and the private systems, allowing data retrieval and monitoring.

The specific approach will depend on the infrastructure, security requirements, and available networking options in the environment where the private systems reside.
I hope this helps. Happy Learning :blush: