How will the librarian add books in the library?

I am assuming that

  1. the library will have books and the librarian.
  2. the librarian can add books in the library.

So my questions are

  1. wouldn’t the librarian need the object of library to do that
  2. if yes, then can the librarian not use this object to do other operation that the librarian might not be allowed to do.
  3. Similarly, if we take users, then they will also need library object. They can also misuse it.
  4. Are my assumptions wrong or am I missing something

Lesson: Code of Library Management System - Grokking the Low Level Design Interview Using OOD Principles

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Hi @Shivendra_Singh !!
Your assumptions are correct, and you have identified some potential issues that need to be addressed in the design of the library management system.

  1. wouldn’t the librarian need the object of the library to do that?
    Answer: Yes, the librarian would need access to the object of the library in order to add books to the library or perform any other library-related operations.

  2. if yes, then can the librarian not use this object to do other operations that the librarian might not be allowed to do?
    Answer: You are right; there is a risk that if the librarian has direct access to the library object, they might be able to misuse it and perform operations they are not supposed to. To address this issue, you can implement access control and user permissions. The library class should have methods to perform specific tasks like adding books, issuing books, etc. These methods should check the user’s role (in this case, the librarian) and ensure that only authorized actions are allowed. For example, only librarians should be allowed to add books, while regular users should only be able to borrow books. You can implement role-based access control to achieve this.

  3. Similarly, if we take users, then they will also need a library object. They can also misuse it.
    Answer: You are correct again. Users would need access to the library object to borrow books, return books, etc. Just like with the librarian, you should implement access control and user permissions to prevent misuse. Different types of users (e.g., regular members, premium members, guests) might have different levels of access to the library functions. Proper authentication and authorization mechanisms should be in place to restrict actions based on the user’s role.

  4. Are my assumptions wrong, or am I missing something?
    Answer: Your assumptions are not wrong; you have raised valid concerns. The issues you highlighted can be addressed through proper design patterns and access control mechanisms. The key is to ensure that only authorized users can perform specific operations and that the access to sensitive functionality is appropriately restricted based on user roles.

In summary, to address these concerns, consider implementing the following in your library management system:

  1. Use proper access control mechanisms and user permissions to restrict actions based on user roles (e.g., librarian, regular user, premium user).
  2. Implement role-based access control, where each user role has a specific set of allowed operations.
  3. Ensure that sensitive operations (e.g., adding books) can only be performed by authorized users (e.g., librarians) and are not accessible to regular users.

By incorporating these design principles, you can create a more secure and robust library management system that prevents unauthorized actions and misuse of the library object.
I hope it helps. Happy Learning :blush: