
How do you create an array of zeros with arange() method? It should be a typo and instead of arange() it should be zeros() method in your sentence.
Correct me in case I’m wrong.

Course: Introduction to Data Science with Python - Learn Interactively

Hi @Vikrant !!
Yes, you are correct; there is a mistake in the sentence. The arange() method in NumPy is used to create arrays with a range of values, not arrays of zeros. To create an array of zeros, we should use the zeros() method, as shown in the code examples. Here’s the corrected sentence:

“We can use the zeros() method to create an array with all zeros.”
Thanks for pointing it out. We will update it soon. Happy Learning :blush:

Hello @Vikrant
We have rectified the issue in the updated course.
Happy Learning

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Hello @Muhammad_Ali_Shahid Could you also rectify the other issues related to this course please? I have already logged my inputs as a separate posts

Course: Introduction to Data Science with Python - Learn Interactively
Lesson: Practice: Plotting the Grouped Data - Introduction to Data Science with Python

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Hi @Vikrant!!
Most of the issues you’ve reported regarding this course have been resolved. Thanks!