I enable the option "noEmitOnError": true in the tsconfig file and has strict:true option enalbed already

I enable the option “noEmitOnError”: true in the tsconfig file and has strict:true option enabled already.
When i run tsx file (tsc test.tsx) , typescript transpile the code and emits the js file. (But as per what iu s said in the educative chapter, typescript will not emit js file if there is an error of type checking in the file).Explain plz??

Hi, @rishabh_jain, please share the lesson link. Thanks!

@Komal_Arif here is the link of the chapter.

Course: Educative: Interactive Courses for Software Developers
Lesson: Educative: Interactive Courses for Software Developers

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Thanks for sharing the lesson link. Your query will be answered soon.

Komal_Arif not replied yet??

Course: Functional Programming Patterns With RamdaJS! - Free Interactive Course
Lesson: FP's Secret Sauce - Functional Programming Patterns With RamdaJS!


Hello @rishabh_jain

The noEmitOnError option in the TypeScript configuration file (tsconfig.json ) tells the TypeScript compiler not to emit JavaScript code if there are any type errors or compilation errors in the TypeScript code. When noEmitOnError is set to true , TypeScript will only generate JavaScript code if there are no type errors or compilation errors in the TypeScript code.This is the primary purpose of these options: to ensure that the generated JavaScript code is free of any type-related errors or warnings that could cause issues at runtime.

If you are encountering the issue specific to your code, please provide us with your .tsx and tsconfig.json files so we can understand the problem specific to your code and provide you with more precise guidance.

Thank you

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@Muhammad_Ali_Shahid So when noEmitOnError is set to false., Typescript is allowed to compile the code if there are type errors or compilation errors?


Hello @rishabh_jain

Yes, when noEmitOnError is set to false in the TypeScript configuration file, it means that TypeScript will still emit JavaScript code even if there are type errors or compilation errors in the TypeScript code. Setting noEmitOnError to false allows TypeScript to generate JavaScript code regardless of any type of compilation error.

It is the default behavior of the compiler. If we don’t mention anything in the tsconfig.json file, then noEmitOnError on error is considered false.

I hope this will help.
Happy Learning