I think the code can be more elaborate for design patterns

In a lot of sections, the author provides the design pattern. For example, in this Amazon Locker Service, is it mentioned to use repository design pattern. But I want to understand how do you use it in a particular context. I know the whole code might not be the scope of interview but while preparing it does fill the gaps in one’s knowledge and make them confident.

Hi @Simran_Bathla
I hope everything is going well with you. Thank you for reaching out about this.

The Repository design pattern can manage the data access logic for lockers and packages in the Amazon Locker service context. The main idea behind the Repository pattern is to abstract the data access layer, providing a way to access the data without directly interacting with the underlying data source (such as a database).
In this case, you can create two repositories: one for managing lockers and another for managing packages. These repositories would provide methods for adding, removing, updating, and retrieving locker and package data. The repositories would handle the details of how the data is stored and retrieved, allowing the rest of the application to work with the data more abstractly and consistently.
For example, the LockerRepository class might have methods like addLocker, removeLocker, updateLocker, and getLockerById, while the PackageRepository class might have similar methods for managing packages.
Using the Repository pattern, you can decouple the data access logic from the rest of the application, making it easier to maintain and test your code.

I hope that this guide is helpful. Remember that I am always available via message to help you with any difficulty you might encounter.
Happy Learning :slight_smile: