In the example, there is no definition of Criteria class

Did I miss the definition of Criteria class in some previous chapters, or is it not present anywhere previously?

Module - “Understanding What We’re Testing: The Profile Class”

Hi @San_G, Thanks for reaching out to us.
Only those part of the code is visible to you which is needed to understand the specific topic, very basic or simple code is written at the backend to avoid writing the long codes in the lesson to make it simple and easier for the readers.

Happy Learning :slight_smile:

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Hi @Muntha_Amjad
Thanks for responding.
But can you please share the code samples, so that I can run these code in my local machine and write the test cases myself.

Without code samples, I am just forced to read the theory and code samples and is not actionable and useful.

You can write the test cases and class definition on your own, we have just provided relevant code in the lessons.
Thank you!

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