Keyboard shortcut for highlight and notes

Can we add keyboard shortcuts to highlight and take notes
h to highlight the selected text
n for taking notes for the selected text

Hi @Harsh_Balyan,

Thank you for your suggestion to add keyboard shortcuts for highlighting and taking notes. Your input is greatly appreciated as it helps us understand how we can improve our platform to better serve our users.

Currently, we do not have these keyboard shortcuts in place, but I believe it’s a fantastic idea that could enhance the user experience. I’ll make sure to pass your suggestion along to our development team. They are always looking for ways to make our platform more efficient and user-friendly. Please know that your feedback has been heard, and we’ll consider it as we plan for future updates and enhancements to our platform.

Thank you once again for taking the time to share your suggestion with us. We appreciate your engagement and are committed to continuously improving our service.

Happy Learning :slight_smile:

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