Misleading challenge description

The poor problem description could cause people to waste a lot of time on this challenge. See Educative’s goal statement compared with LeetCode’s:

Educative: “your goal is to put maximum number of fruits in each basket.” (unclear)

LeetCode: “return the maximum number of fruits you can pick.” (explicit)

Although the examples clarify the return type needs to be only a single integer, it could still be the case that a maximum total fruits with only 1 fruit in one of the baskets is the wrong answer if the numberof fruits in “each basket” is of concern. Your language implies that this challenge falls in an entirely different category of algorithms; probably dynamic programming.

For someone trying to solve these problems before reading the solution, this can cost them a lot of time. I hope I don’t need to cross-check all the challenge descriptions in this course with LeetCode’s.

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Hi @Gary1
Thank you for raising the concern. Please visit the website for more interesting courses and updates.
