Need to help understand below statement

It should be noted that heading elements should not be used to manipulate the font size of a heading

What does it exactly mean?

Hi @Rajat_Bothra !!
The statement means that the primary purpose of heading elements (such as <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, and <h6>) in HTML is to provide a hierarchical structure to the content, indicating the importance and organization of headings within a document.

The purpose of heading elements is not to directly control or manipulate the font size of a heading. The font size of heading elements is typically determined by the browser or the default stylesheets provided by the web page.

Instead of using heading elements to manipulate the font size, it is recommended to use appropriate CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to control the styling of the headings, including font size, color, and other visual properties. CSS provides more flexibility and control over the presentation of HTML elements, allowing you to customize the styling while maintaining the semantic structure provided by the heading elements.

By separating the structural hierarchy (provided by heading elements) from the visual presentation (controlled by CSS), you ensure that the HTML markup remains semantically meaningful and accessible, while still allowing for the desired visual styling.
I hope it helps. Happy Learning :blush: