Optimizing Sum of Three Values

The provided solution runs in O(n^2) time. Is this optimal, or can we solve this in just O(nlogn)?

from collections import Counter
def find_sum_of_three(nums, target):
   counter = Counter(nums)
   n = len(nums)
   lo, hi = 0, n - 1
   while lo < hi:
      lo_num = nums[lo]
      hi_num = nums[hi]
      counter[lo_num] -= 1
      counter[hi_num] -= 1
      need = target - lo_num - hi_num
      if counter[need] > 0:
         return True
      elif need >= hi_num:
         lo += 1
         hi -= 1
      counter[lo_num] += 1
      counter[hi_num] += 1
   return False

Course: Grokking Coding Interview Patterns in Python - AI-Powered Learning for Developers
Lesson: Solution: Sum of Three Values - Grokking Coding Interview Patterns in Python