Question on LinkedList class

In sample code of LinkedList, when we create a linkedlist, we add a node at the head. Should head always remain at the first node as its shown in all the diagrams? Its confusing. Please elaborate.

Hello @Charu_Agarwal,

Thank you for your feedback and your question about linked lists. The “head” in a linked list serves as the list’s entry point or starting point. It holds the reference to the first node within the list, which is why it should always be the first node of the linked list. This is a fundamental concept when working with linked lists because it allows us to traverse the list from the beginning to the end.

In the sample code, we add a new node at the head of the list. We start by checking if the current head is null. If it is, we set the new node as the head. Otherwise, we update the head to point to the new node, and we link the next of the new node to the previous head node. This maintains the connections between the nodes in the list.

I hope this explanation clarifies your doubts. Please feel free to ask if you have any more questions or need further assistance.

Happy learning!

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