Quiz incorrect question

Under “Understand the problem” the first question in the quiz has an unsorted list for the input list2.

list 2 = -1 → -2 → 3 → null

since -2 < -1, this list is not sorted, thus providing incorrect options for the answer. The sorted order is:

list 2 = -2 → -1 → 3 → null

Course: [PYTHON] Coding Interview Patterns: Unpublished Lessons - AI-Powered Learning for Developers
Lesson: Merge Two Sorted Lists - [PYTHON] Coding Interview Patterns: Unpublished Lessons

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Hello @Kshitij_Jindal,

Yes, that is indeed an issue in the mentioned lesson. We’ll make the necessary changes, you’ll be able to see them soon.

Feel free to share further suggestions and feedback. We’d be happy to help!