Quiz Question: What does the diffuser in Grover’s algorithm do?

Isn’t the correct answer “It amplifies the amplitude of good states.”?
It says the correct answer is “It inverts the amplitude of the searched state.” but isn’t that the task of the oracle?

Course: Hands-On Quantum Machine Learning with Python - Learn Interactively
Lesson: Quiz: Working with the Qubit Phase

Hi @Erik1,

This is Kanwal from Educative. I noticed your feedback in the course, “Hands-On Quantum Machine Learning with python" and I’m glad you reached out to us.

In your message, you said: “Isn’t the correct answer “It amplifies the amplitude of good states.”?
It says the correct answer is “It inverts the amplitude of the searched state.” but isn’t that the task of the oracle?”

Thank you for pointing out the mistake. The correction has been made. Please do give it a check.

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